Visit to Takanodai Campus at Musashino Art University for academic society.

It was my 2nd visit.

First visit was to see artworks by grad like 7 years ago. It was a part of dissertation for them.

I used to learn oil painting as hobby.

Today … It’s my lost friends’s birthday.

Thanks to art school, we got to know each other.

Her works were based on flowers, plants, something related to nature.

All works were filled with love and passion.

Her exhibition was often held in Kunitachi and Ginza…

She was a good cook too.

Her home made egg things used to make everyone happy.

I thought I could see her again maybe at her exhibition at Ginza…


She passed away last year.

Died of cancer…

The news came in this year.

It was (still now) shocking…beyond description…

Wearable device such as smart watch allows us to monitor our vital signs all the times.

If it’s abnormal, the alert will be sent to registered loved ones.

If we had such technology 3 years ago, she could have been saved…

She would have enjoyed oil painting more…even now…and made us happy with her smile, painting, cooks, and more.

Many lives could’ve been saved …???

What if …

Her birthday notice is kind of reminder.

Appreciate my good health and keep it up.